Managing Life in a Pandemic Project

Due Date: Thursday, April 30th

If you are currently enrolled in Freshman Seminar, this project will be your wok for BOTH classes this week.


Create a website about one of the following choices:

Ways to Organize Yourself During Remote Learning

Ways to Socialize Safely During Self Isolation

Ways to Self Care During Self Isolation

Want to see a sample completed project? Click Me!

These are some ways you can say organized during Self-Isolation!

My name is Alicia Persaud and I'll share some tips and tricks to help you during this stressful time!

One thing I found very helpful during this stressful time is making a To-Do list for the day.

It doesn't need to look as nice as this, as long as it helps you figure out what you need to do for that day, it'll work. From my personal experience, it really helped me keep on track with my assignments!Only if I didn't procrastinate as much haha

That brings me onto my next topic, procrastination. It can make you unorganized because you would wait until last minute to do everything. I am a person who does this myself and I am trying to overcome it because it's a bad habit that messes with my sleeping schedule.

What I'd recommend for this issue is to maybe try to work under pressure. This idea always works for me and helps me keep on doing my work without losing focus. One way you can work under pressure is by setting a timer and try to get your assignment done within that time. If you don't get your work under that time, no biggie! Just make sure you are not spending too much time on an assignment that you know could be done in a shorter period of time.

A big part of staying organized would include being organized in real life. Sometimes I just walk into my messy room and it just throws me off my mood, then I don't really feel organized anymore. Or motivated. What I'd do is clean my room or at least just do something that would make me feel like a productive person.

As a result, I can get my assignments done and be the organized person I always wanted to be!

Sometimes plain colors just don't work. Going back to that To-Do list, do you have a lot of asignments and not sure where to start? I have just the thing for you! Based on the difficultly of the assignment or the deadline of it, you should color-code each assignment. For example, if you know you have a big project coming up, but also have another side one, pick one that you know would be more dificult or longer to do, and color code it red! It really shows the urgency and will motivate you to do it.

Well, that's the end of it. Hope you find these tips well and soon will be as organized as this website!